“He is contained deep within each and every heart. He is always with you, as your Helper & Support”

Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji [Ang 48]

ChardiKala UK operates on three core pillars of:

Seva (Selfless Service)

Providing Support, Assistance & Companionship to our Bazurg (Elders)

Sambal (Care & Assistance)

Providing Support, Development & Mentorship to our Bajungi’s (Youth)

Sahara (Moral & Physical Support)

Homeless Outreach & Support for Panjabi Students

As the saying goes, ‘it’s important to put on your own oxygen mask before helping others‘ – which is why we strongly encourage that all of our Sevadars first build a solid personal foundation of Naam & Seva before engaging in any of the pillar work for others.

We hold weekly Simran, Sangat & Pangat every Thursday (7-10pm) in West London & weekly Pandeh Seva & Jooreh Seva every Sunday (10-12pm) at Gurdwara Sahibs around London & the home counties,

All are welcome, so please use the subject line on the ‘get help’ page to specify when you’d like to join us.